Good Intentions in Witchcraft

My daughters are the sole reason I found myself with a TikTok account. I’ve been fairly burnt out on social media for a few years now, and going thru the depths of APD in general, making me uninterested (to say the least) in meeting new people or socializing much, either in person or online. But someone was being mean to Panda.

Mama Bear woke up to come out to “play.”

There are few things in this life that I have a lot of confidence in. My ability to verbally or literally defend (or offend) is one of them. I have a knack. A way of using words as a weapon. Most of the time I let things go, but every now and then I enjoy it, I’ll admit. I really enjoy verbal sparring when its in defense of a loved one.

By the time I’d set my account up, however, the drama had already subsided. When I took a look-see at the bully’s account, I realized that this particular person pretty much makes a habit of going off on people, and the furor dies down when she finds someone else to get mad with. Its a habit with that one. But as I was already there, I decided to take a look around. I’ve heard things, after all, about “witchtok,” that made me think I’d h ave a great laugh or ten.

Honestly, I did, and I still do. Sometimes I laugh with people and sometimes at them. It is what it is. But I’ve discovered a lot of creators who actually do know what they’re talking about. I’ve had to admit I’m at that place in my life where it gets hard to admit that people much, much younger actually don’t need my “guidance.” Its hard for older people to let go of being the “expert.” Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I still am, I have my strengths. But Millennials are all grown-up adults now, and I had to step back and realize that. They’re not children anymore, and I need to treat them like the adults they are, even when they don’t look old enough to drive.

Getting old sucks.

As a result of all this ticking and tocking, I am now slightly more up on what fads and phases are going on in the witchy/spooky/magical internet circles. This is where the whole “intentions” thing comes in.

Some would have you believe that “intentions,” are all you ever really need to get it done.

Don’t get me wrong, intentions are absolutely necessary. More than necessary, there is no point at all in doing witchcraft or spellwork or spirit work or what have you without intentions. That would imply you had no idea at all why you were doing it, so why would you? I wouldn’t.

And yes, you can go a really, really, really long way with Intentions. I’ve even accidentally caused things with focused intentions that weren’t, in my mind, serious. More of a fantasy, made of anger or irritation, which seemingly spontaneously exploded into reality. Honestly, I think this is why some religions will warn of not even thinking of sin, but that’s a different story.

So yes, intentions alone can work. Sometimes. If you’ve a very strong, developed will, and very little self-doubt, they’ll work better for you than for others for whom it will barely ever work.

If you’re serious about your craft, or art, you’ll want more than just intentions. This is where all those other things come in; chants, scents, plants, candles, colors, astrology, and all the other trappings of magic. Some people would have you believe they’re totally unnecessary. Depending on your point of view, they might only exist to make you feel and believe that the magic is working because its all coming from your own mind anyway. Fine. If that’s the way you want to think of it.

For me, however, each layer has more to contribute to the over-all work. When you combine more senses, and more layers to your Works, they will pack a lot more punch. Maybe you don’t always need a lot of layers. I don’t. But if you’re doing something serious, the more you can add, the better.

Never ignore your intentions, you’ll go nowhere without them. But don’t ignore the layers, either.

About Camylleon

Just another Spiritual Wanderer in the world. I've my own perspectives, my own beliefs. Some might sound good to you, some might not. That's fine. That's life. Just remember, I have every right to my own opinions. If you don't like them, feel free to move on down the road. Also remember, I have the right to be blissfully ignorant of your opinions if I should decide so. Don't assume that all comments will be published! If rejected, feel free to write it all out in your own blog.
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